Patterson Elementary School Partnership
Through the years, The BIG Pentagon Chapter has had a great partnership with Patterson Elementary School and other schools in the African-American and Latino Communities. From Kendal’s for kindergarten students to clothes and shoes for needy students to a washer and dryer and flat-screen televisions to library books for the school to support Youth Day and Career Day, the BIG Pentagon Chapter has a rich relationship with the staff and students. With this legacy, other BIG chapters across the country have adopted schools to aid.
Particularly notable were the Braxton Family School Supplies Drive and Cookout and the Braxton Family Christmas Party, Coats, Hats, Gloves, and Scarf Drives to benefit the school. Additionally, some companies from a corvette club to a ship cleaning company donated large amounts of school supplies. Conversely, the Braxton Family Annual Christmas Party, a great social networking event in which BIG members from throughout BIG Region XI brought almost everything a school could need in addition to the coats, hats, gloves, and scarfs.